A List Of Products That Costco Has Discontinued Over The Years

Published on 05/24/2021

Costco is practically an American institution. A ton of people across the nation just can’t imagine living without it. This member’s only warehouse is known for its huge buildings, giant portions, and affordable prices. It has introduced iconic offerings to us, but we are sad to report that it is time for us to bid some of them goodbye. There are various reasons they have been pulled out. Others had to do with the pandemic, but some items simply failed to turn a profit. There have even been controversies that made popular products disappear overnight. At any rate, we are sure that the following items will be missed.

A List Of Products That Costco Has Discontinued Over The Years

A List Of Products That Costco Has Discontinued Over The Years


Roundup Weed Killer

The slogan of Roundup is “No root, no weed, no problem.” We are sad to report that the last part is not exactly true. After all, the company behind the weed killer has found itself in hot water when it was sued for reportedly causing cancer. In the end, Costco dropped the line and has not sold the item since then.

Roundup Weed Killer

Roundup Weed Killer